+91 6351556991 Mon-Sat: 8AM - 5PM botanical.gardan-botany@msubaroda.ac.in

Welcome to Botanical Garden

Recognized by BGCI (Botanic Garden Conservation International)

Faculty of Science

The Maharaja Sayajirao University Of Baroda

About Botanical Garden

Established in 1920, The Botanical garden has been a part of glorious history of 101 years of The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda. The garden was established under the supervision and guidance of Prof. S. V. Shevade, F.I.S., F.R.A.S (HOD, Biology, Baroda College). It is spread over an area about 2.5 acres. The area of about 4.5 acres was given by the University for the Establishment of an Arboretum on the left side of University Head office. The Arboretum was established in 1962 under the supervision of Prof. A. R. Chavan, then HOD and the Superintendent of the Botanical Garden This garden has garnered over thousands of students of Plant Science to study the plant wealth present in this area since 1920. Because of many suitable environmental factors, garden displays a variety of life forms of its own in different seasons. This Botanical garden is a biological resource Centre that provides data storage, distribution, documentation, education interpretation and conservation. For a student of Plant Science, Botanical garden is a laboratory where students come in direct contact with live objects of their studies.

Today, The Botanical garden is the proud home of over 1,059 species inclusive of 680 Angiosperms, 281 Trees, 37 Cactus, 38 Succulents, 21 Orchids and 23 Pteridophytes. Conservation is also a visible priority for the botanical gardens, second only to education. Several Endangered, rare and threatened plant species find their homes here like Givotia rottleriformis, Gauzuma ulmifolia, Kigelia pinnata Commiphora wightii, Hyphaene dichotoma, Strychnos potatorum, Pereskia, Talinum, Hydnocarpus, Equisetum, Filicium decipiens, Ochna obtusa, Haematoxylum campechianum etc. Some of the exclusive plants of the Garden are Annona muricata, Beaumontia grandiflora, Bilbergia, Strophanthus, Kleinhovia hospitata, Milletia racemosa, Pterospermum acerifolium, and various species of Terminalia. The beauty of the garden owes to plants like Paulownia, Saraca indica, Couroupita guianensis, Butea monosperma, Spathodea campanulata, Tecoma stans, Cassia fistula, Delonix regia,, Dombeya wallichii and D. natalensis and Sterculia urens. The Gymnosperms which have made the Garden more attractive include Cycas circinalis & Cycas revoluta (Almost 90 years old), Cycas rumphii, Zamia furfuraceae, Zamia spp. and Podocarpus gracilor. The garden also has elite Fern and Cactus House having a collection of some procured rare ferns belonging to the genera Adiantum, Nephrolepis, Asplenium, Pteris etc. Cactus from around the world such as Echinocactus, Echinopsis, Ferocactus, Notocactus, Opuntia, Perieskiopsis, Aloe spp. the only member of the Cactaceae family having broad perennial leaves, called perskia is present here.

In recent times, with the financial assistance of National Medicinal Plant board, Medicinal Plant section was also added to the arboretum in the year 2009. There are approximate 350 medicinal plant plots which include plants like Acorus calamus, Alpinia galanga, Aloe ferox, Artemisia annua, Asparagus racemosus, Centella asiatica, Coleus forskohlii, Enicostema littorale, Fagonia cretica, Pedalium murex, Plumbago indica, Lotus garcini, Lycium europaeum, Monsonia senegalensis, Piper longum, Pavonia odorata, Rivinia humilis, Stevia rebaudiana, Uraria picta, Vogelia indica, Mimosa pudica, Biophytum sensitivum, Rauwolfia serpentina, Cymbopogon martini, Pogostemon heyneanus, Ocimum basilicum and Vetiveria zizanoides. The best of this natural teaching seating arrangement is open class theater which provides real world experience to the students. The main attraction of the garden is the RET plants and infrastructural facilities like Green house, Autonomous Glass house, wire house, Fern house and interpretation center which is used for preservation of RET and ornamental plants of Research. It also includes nursery, fernery, cacti collection, Diverse Germplasm collection etc. Another attraction point is Aquatic pond which having 84 different aquatic species and 41 lotus species. Botanical garden is adequately equipped with irrigation facilities and also store room, instrument room for garden Equipments. The approximate number of students at college and University level visiting the garden is about 5000 every year. In brief this Botanical garden is the best place for conservation and collection of plants.it is a repository of biodiversity.


Conservation and sustainable utilization of the plant biodiversity of India, particularly of the arid, semi-arid, dry deciduous, and moist deciduous forest of India, for the well-being of society.


The mission is to advance knowledge, enjoyment, and conservation of plants through excellence in biodiversity research management, horticulture displays, and educational programs.


  1. Conservation, study, and propagation of plant species especially, rare, endangered, and threatened plants.
  2. Collection, documentation, and maintenance of indigenous and exotic plant species.
  3. To create an awareness about the conservation and importance of plants in society through innovative activities.
  4. Sale and exchange of seeds, plants, and other planting materials to individuals and research institutions.
  5. Provide recreation facilities to the public in general and expose them to different hands-on learning.
  6. Research: to pursue Botanical Garden, horticultural, and other appropriate research programs of quality, as judged by nationally accepted standards.
  7. Interpretation, education, and information: to promote community awareness and knowledge of plants and the importance of their conservation.


IUCN category vise rare, endemic and endangered plants of Gujarat

Garcinia indica Choiss.

Common name: Kokum

Family: Clusiaceae

IUCN Status: Vulnerable

Evergreen trees, trunk slender usually buttressed at the base, leaves simple, flowers polygamoecious, fuits are berry globose.

Significance:Fruits contain rich amounts of anti-oxidants that bind with free radicals and prevent oxidative damage to body cells. They also promote cell regeneration and repair. Extracts from the fruits are traditionally used to relieve gastric problems like acidity, flatulence, constipation and indigestion.

Garcinia talbotii Raizada ex Santapau

Common name: Talbot Garcinea

Family: Clusiaceae

IUCN Status: Least Concern

Trees up to 20 m tall, bark yellowish or brown, branchlets angular, glabrous, leaves simple,opposite deccussate, flowers dioecious, berry globose

Significance:Used as dye stuff. This plant has now become rare in their natural habitat because of high predation and over exploitation for it use as a firewood.

Tephrosia jamnagarensis Santapau

Family: Fabaceae

IUCN Status: Endangered

Is an annual herb found growing in savanna. It favours a particular environmental gradient determined by topography and salinity and grows well in semi-arid climate.

Significance:The plant is not commercially traded. However the presence of phytocomponents like flavanoides, steroides, terpens and chalcones in aerial parts and seeds of this plant indicate that this plant may posses antioxidant properties and other iological activity which need to e further explored.

Dolichandron falcata (Wall. Ex DC.) Seem.

Common name: Medhshingi

Family: Bignoniaceae

IUCN Status: Least Concern

Dolichandron falcata is a small deciduous tree with bluish-gray bark. Peeling in irregular woody scales. Leaves are compound, leaflets are obovate. Flowers are white borne in mostly 1-3 flowered corymbs.

Significance: It is very hardly and drought resistant and fit for propagation in the driest localities.

Radermachera xylocarpa (Roxb.) Roxb. ex K. Schum.

Common name: Padri tree

Family: Bignoniaceae

IUCN Status: Near Threatened

It is usually found in dry deciduous forests of Central India. It is a rare species in the central Indian region with very thin and scattered population.it is widely cultivated as ornamental, for the showy flowers. Leaves are bipinnate, leaflets are elliptic, oblong sharp-tipped with a rounded base. Flowers are white, funnel-shaped.

Significance: Resin is used for the treatment of skin diseases. Rootbark bitter, astringent, used as substitute for Stereospermum personatum (Hassk.).

Acorus calamus (Linn.)

Common name: Sweet flag

Family: Acoraceae

IUCN Status: Least Concern

Hardy perennial herb of marshy places. 6 feet tall, aromatic, rhizome stout, pinkish: leaves to % inch wide with a prominent midrib. Spadix stout.

Significance: The genus Acorus is considered to be the most primitive extant monocot. The leaves of Acorus calamus have a lemony scent as well as the roots have a sweet fragrance. Acorus calamus has long been known for its medicinal value. The root is carminative, slightly tonic, flatulent colic, atonic dyspepsia etc.

Commiphora stocksiana (Engl.) Engl.

Common name: Mitho Guggal

Family: Burseraceae

IUCN Status: Endangered

Is a balsamiferous small tree or shrub in hilly and moderately undulating terrain. Tree is preferred to grow in substratum of rocks or boulders and in sandy soil.

Significance: It is an important medicinal plant traditionally uses from long time. Commiphora stocksiana has limited distribution in India therefore its facing risk of extinction from India. The species needs conservation measure to protect its gene pool from extinction.

Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Del.

Common name: Desert date

Family: Zygophyllaceae

IUCN Status: Least Concern

Is spiny or tree up to 10 m tall, widely distributed in dry land areas of Africa and South Asia.

Significance: It is traditionally used in the treatment of various ailments such as jaundice, intestinal worm infection, wounds etc. The seeds of this plant contain30-60% oil which is edible and used as cooking oil.

Bombax insigne Wall.

Common name: Showy silk cotton tree

Family: Bombacaceae

IUCN Status: Critically Endangered

Showy Silk cotton tree is a large deciduous tree very similar and often mistaken for the red silk cotton tree, with an unarmed or slightly prickly trunk. Leaves are compound, leaflets are obovate with a pointed tip. Flowers are very showy , scarlet, pink, creamy or white. Fruit is a capsule, distinctly five-angled filled with silky cotton and rounded seeds.

Significance: The species name insigne means striking, noted, spectacular. They are used to treat cutaneouss troubles. Differet plant parts are use as treatment for various conditions and diseases like cholera, fractures, toothace, coughs, urinary problems, influenza, and snake bites among others. Flwers are astringent and refrigerant.

Stereospermum chelonoides (L.f.) DC.

Common name: Fragrant Padri Tree

Family: Bignoniaceae

IUCN Status: Least Concern

Fragrant Padri Tree is globally distributed in Indo-Malesia. Within India, it is found in tropical Himalayas, Assam, Meghalaya and in moist deciduous forests of Western Ghats. Fragrant Padri Tree is a large deciduous tree, 10-20 m tall, with velvet-hairy branches. Leaves are compound and flowers are borne in large lax panicles.

Significance: Stereospermum chelonoides known as Patala is a medicinal herb which is used for treating health ailments such as rheumatism, infections, inflammation and cancer. It is bitter, cardio tonic, astringent, diuretic, cooling and tonic. It provides relief from three dosas, difficulty in breathing, anorexia, vomiting, piles, thirst and hiccough.

Pterocarpus santalinus L.f.

Common name: Red Sandlewood

Family: Fabaceae

IUCN Status: Endangered

Pterocarpus santalinus is a small to medium sized deciduous tree having a dense, round crown reaching a height of 10 to 15 m with a girth of about 90 to 160 cm. The bark is typically dark brown in colour with rectangular plates and deeply fissured when matured. When blazed, it exudes a red colour gum with numerous pink streaks. The leaves are pinnately compound which are generally shed during January and March. With the onset of summer, new flush of leaves is produced along with large yellow colored raceme flowers.

Significance: Red Sandlewood has demand both in domestic and international markets. There are two types of wood that is popular in trade, one is wavy or ripple grained and the other is straight grained. The sapwood is white, heartwood is red to almost purplish black with streaks, the grains are interlocked, medium to fine textured, extremely strong, hard, heavy and is impregnated with reddish brown gum containing red dye Santalin. The timber seasons well and is immune to white ants and other insects.

Sterculia guttata Roxb.

Common name: Spotted Sterculia

Family: Sterculiaceae

IUCN Status: Critically Endangered

Deciduous Tree, mostly found in evergreen and in semi-evergreen forests along river side or rocky bed. Spotted Sterculia is a tree with a straight greyish-brown trunk. It is a larval host plant for Coladenia indrani (Himalayan Tricolor Pied Flat butterfly).

Significance: A useful fiber, used locally, is obtained from the bark of wild trees. The bark of the younger parts of the tree abounds with very strong, white, flaxen fiber which is used to make a kind of coarse cloth. Extracts from its seeds have been tested for use as insecticides against mosquito larvae.

Dalbergia latifolia Roxb.

Common name: Black Rosewood

Family: Fabaceae

IUCN Status: Vulnerable

The tree has grey bark that peels in long fibers, pinnately compound leaves, and bunches of small white flowers. It grows as both an evergreen and a deciduous tree in the deciduous monsoon forests of India making the tree very drought hardy.

Significance: The tree produces a hard, durable, heavy wood that, when properly cured, is durable and resistant to rot and insects. It is grown as a plantation wood in both India and Java, often in dense, single species groves, to produce its highly desirable long straight bore. Wood from the tree is used in premium furniture making and cabinetry, guitar bodies and fretboards, exotic veneers, carvings, boats, skis, and for reforestation.

Bauhinia malabaricaRoxb.

Common name: Malabar Bauhinia/mountain ebony

Family: Caesalpiniaceae

IUCN Status: Least Concern

Malabar Bauhinia is a native ornamental species belonging to the family Fabaceae, distributed throughout India in semi evergreen and moist deciduous forests and in gardens.

Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb.Roxb.

Common name: Indian Kino Tree

Family: Fabaceae

IUCN Status: Near Threatened

The tree is found in central and peninsular India, chiefly in dry mixed deciduous tropical forests of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, and sub- Himalayan tracts. Pterocarpus species can be recognized in field by its straight bole, longitudinally fissured bark, imparipinnate and elliptic leaves, fragrant flowers in large panicles, and winged, flat pods.

Significance: Parts of the Indian Kino Tree (heart wood, leaves and flowers) have long been used for their medicinal properties in Ayurveda. The heart wood is used as an astringent and in the treatment of inflammation. The wood and bark of the tree are known for their anti-diabetic activity.

Tecomella undulata (Sm.) Seem.

Common name: Roheda, Honey Tree

Family: Bignoniaceae

IUCN Status: Endangered

Plant is distributed in drier parts of North-West and Western India extending eastwards to the river Yamuna and ascending to an altitude of 1200 meter in the outer Himalaya. Tecomella undulata is a slow growing small deciduous tree with drooping branches and stellately grey-tomentose innovations. Leaves are usually opposite, 5- 10 cm long, simple, narrowly oblong, obtuse and entire with undulate margins. Flowers are pale-yellow to deep orange, arranged in few flowered corymbose racemes on short lateral branches.

Significance: The bark obtained from the stem is used as a remedy for syphilis. It is also used in curing urinary disorders, enlargement of spleen, gonorrhoea, leucoderma and liver diseases. Seeds are used against abscess.

Chlorophytum borivilianum Santapau & R.R.Fern.

Common name: Safed Musli

Family: Asparagaceae

IUCN Status: Critically Endangered

Safed Musli, sometimes referred to simply as Musli or Indian Spider Plant is an herb used in Ayurvedic medicine primarily as an anti-inflammatory, an aphrodisiac, and adaptogen.

Significance: Currently, Safed Musli is primarily marketed as useful in supporting men in both vitality and sexual health. Research supports the use of Safed Musli in supporting increased serum testosterone, libido, erectile dysfunction.

Hardwickia binata Roxb.

Common name: Anjan

Family: Caesalpiniaceae

IUCN Status: Least Concern

Anjan is a medium or large deciduous ornamental tree. It is a native of India.

Significance: The leaves are given as fodder to cattle, which eat them greedily. The wood is extremely durable and makes excellent piles for bridge foundations.

Locally rare, endemic and endangered plants of Gujarat

Averrhoa bilimbi Linn.

Common name: Bilimbi

Family: Oxalidaceae

Local Status: Rare Endemic

Beaumontia grandiflora Wall.

Common name: Nepal Trumpet Flower

Family: Apocynaceae

Local Status: Rare, Cultivated

Eleocarpus sphaericus (Gaertn.) K. Schum

Common name: Rudraksha

Family: Eleocarpaceae

Local Status: Rare, Cultivated

Aphanamixis polystachya (Wall.) R.Parker

Common name: Pithraj tree

Family: Meliaceae

Local Status: Rare, Cultivated

Parkia roxburghii G. Don.

Common name: Tree Bean

Family: Mimosaceae

Local Status: Rare, Cultivated

Polyalthia cerasoides (Roxb.) Hook.f. & Thomson

Common name: Cherry Ashok

Family: Annonaceae

Local Status: Extinct in Wild, Cultivated

Oroxylum indicum (L.) Kurz

Common name: Indian Trumpet Tree

Family: Bignoniaceae

Local Status: Rare

Justicia wynaadensis (Nees) T. Anderson

Common name: Wayanad Justicia

Family: Acanthaceae

Local Status: Endemic

Barleria Lawii T. Anderson

Common name: Law's Barleria

Family: Acanthaceae

Local Status: Endangered

Barleria gibsonii Dalzell

Common name: Gibson's Barleria

Family: Acanthaceae

Local Status: Vulnerable

Dendrobium barbatulum Lindl.

Common name: Bearded lip orchid

Family: Orchidaceae

Local Status: Vulnerable

Dendrobium microbulbon A. Rich.

Common name: Tiny dendrobium

Family: Orchidaceae

Local Status: Near Threatened

Dendrobium ovatum L. Kraenzl.

Common name: Green lipped dendrobium

Family: Orchidaceae

Local Status: Endangered

Habenaria foliosa A. Rich.

Common name: Leafy habenaria

Family: Orchidaceae

Local Status: Vulnerable

Habenaria grandifloriformis Blatt. & McCann

Common name: Large flowered habenaria

Family: Orchidaceae

Local Status: Endangered

Habenaria longicorniculata J. Graham

Common name: Orchidaceae

Local Status: Endangered

Phanera vahlii (Wight & Arn.) Benth.

Common name: Malu Creeper

Family: Caesalpiniaceae

Local Status: Critically endangered

Butea monosperma var. lutea (Witt.)

Common name: Yellow Flame of the Forest

Family: Fabaceae

Local Status: Endangered

Ipomoea kotschyana Hochst. ex Choisy

Common name: Morning glory

Family: Convolvulaceae

Local Status: Vulnerable

Talinum portulacifolium (Forssk.) Asch. Ex Schweinf

Common name: Flame flower

Family: Talinaceae

Local Status: Critically Endangered


Events Organized by Botanical Garden

Green Army

Green Army as the name suggest work for the nature on the 11th March on the occasion of birth anniversary of Sir Sayajirao Gaekwad it was officially inaugurated. Green army is formed by students of Department of Botany and Department of Architecture. One appreciable work started by green army was inaugurate on 11th March was creating bio fence around the tributary of Bukhinala.

Work of Green Army:
  • 1. Give suggestion about which plant grown in which area and which nature support to better growth of plant.
  • 2. Give suggestion about growing fencing plant, ornamental plants, hedge plants, seasonal plants, economically important plants etc.
  • 3. Clean and save the nature.
  • 4. Restoring native vegetation, heritage restoration, protecting natural habitats.
  • 5. Create awareness about native flora, and why we conserve nature.
  • 6. Maintaining a healthy, perennial plant cover which prevents soil erosion.
  • 1. We will not ever through debris or inorganic waste in the ravines, streams and ponds of our beautiful city.
  • 2. Let’s create an awareness movement to stop dumping solid waste, liquid waste and construction debris in our precious water bodies.
  • 3. Let’s come together to create sound policies and practices so that construction debris and other solid waste are properly managed.

Training Of NCC Students On How To Survive And Cure Youself In Jungle

NCC students come to visit the botanical garden and arboretum cum medicinal plant garden and learnt many things like how to survive in critical condition in forest. We Organize such different activities so that those people get the knowledge of the plant what to eat and what not eat in wild for survival in extreme condition, Which includes:

1. Alignment under the Bamboo:

A Meditation under the Bamboo, that is important for calms mind, motivates to attain inner piece, reduces stress, and improves listening sounds of the Nature, observational thinking and Analytical skills.

2. Visit the whole garden:

We taught about interesting features of plant parts which can use under critical condition and how to survive in forest. We taught to each group about trees and common herbs that are wild edible and could be used for wound healing.

3. Games:

i) Sangit Ki Mehfil: A short clip of Audio from Movie Songs played and students has to guess the plant shown or used in the clip. That is important for Improves Observation and Listening skills, brings awareness about how plants are being mentioned by artists in their arts.

ii) Bujho to Jaane: This game includes various riddles and quizzes like tag the trees, puzzles, crosswords. That is important for Improves builds analytical thinking, improves decision making, improve IQ level

National Campaign On Amrita For Life Giloy

Recently we have successfully completed the distribution of 2 lack saplings of Amrita (Giloy) and spread awareness of it through Street Dramas, Animated Movies, Brochure, Pamphlet, Newspapers, Television and by means of mouth publicity, Under the project on “National Campaign on Amrita for Life: Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia). Online and offline awareness programs and competitions were conducted at various schools and organization. We organized offline workshop on ‘Ayurvedic Formulations of Giloy’ where the experts from Ayurveda College taught to make 12 formulation preparation of Giloy to the common public.

Eco restoration of Bhukhinala

The work done by a multi-disciplinary team of students, alumni, faculty, labourers, and local experts. This team undertook the Bhukhi Nala Stream Bank Erosion Control Project and collaborated to demonstrate experiments for bank erosion control of the Bhukhi Nala using various eco-engineering techniques. The two sites for these experiments are (1) the bank at Botanical Garden and (2) the banks near the low bridge and History Department. Both these sites are on the main campus of the M.S. University in Vadodara, Gujarat, India. This work is a labour of love. It is also a work in progress and will evolve and improve as we learn lessons over the next few monsoons.

Mega plantation week

On the occasion of Van Mahotsava, The Botanical Garden and Department of Environmental Studies, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara have organized Mega Plantation Drive of all the time, wherein 10,000 individuals of about 100 different species will be planted on the campus in five days commencing from 5th to 10th July. The program has been inaugurated by Prof Haribhai Katariya, Dean, Faculty of Science; Prof Kauresh Vacchrajani, Head, Department of Environmental Studies.

To execute this Mega Plantation Drive, about 150 Volunteers have been distributed in 5 Teams under the captaincy of Snehal Chavda, Kamartaha Saiyed, Sangeeta Gami, Agradeep Mohanta and Atul Srivastava. The drive is supervised by the team of Research scholars Roshan Parmar, Jaydeep Sharma and Gulzar Malek. 20 plants will be planted by each volunteer. The guardian of the plant will be awarded with a Silver, Gold and Platinum certificate based on the number of successfully survived plants. The names of guardians with plants will be displayed on the official website of the botanical garden.

The species which are being planted are native to India and Gujarat. Looking forward to the conservation point of view, Rare, Endangered and Threatened species are also selected to increase species richness in the University Campus. The medicinal herbs recommended by the Ministry of AYUSH have given special attention in the drive. Herbs like Holy Basil (Tulsi), Adusa (Ardusi), Creat (Kadu Kariyatu), Indian long pepper (Lindi piper), Indian Tinospora (Giloy, Galo) etc. and tree Species like Arjuna (Arjun sadad), Jamun (Jambu), Harar (Harde), Koshi, Baobab will be planted.

Eco restoration of Bhukhinala Competition

Eco-restoration competition has also been organized by the Botanical Garden and Department of Environmental Studies. In this competition, 15 teams from different departments of Faculty of Science have registered. The competition is based on methods of restorations and its execution wherein participants have to propose sustainable methods of restoration of the plot given at Bhukhi Kaans. The purpose of the competition is to aware students about the issues related to Freshwater Ecosystem and its ecological solutions. Apart from the bookish knowledge, the competition gives on-field exposure to the participants.

The teams will be provided with all required materials like plants, bamboos and gardening equipment. The winner will be rewarded with the cash amount of Rs. 10,000 and Rs. 5000 to both first and second runner up respectively.


What they're saying about us

Thoroughly enjoyed the cacti exibition. The wealth and knowledge needs to be spread among all. Thank you...

Rajmata Subhanginiraje Gaekwad


The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Vadodara

Botanical gardens are live museum conserving natural heritage. Best place for ex citu conservation. MSU Arboretum has a long history of natural conservation leading generations of students. I heartily congratulate the organizers for taking exceptional care of this heritage.

Dr. Minoo Parabia

Former Professor

Veer Narmad South Gujarat University (VNSGU), Surat

The location of the garden is good and the software developed for the identification is fantastic. More funds are required for developing into one of the best garden among University gardens. Apply for ABG scheme of MOEF for funding. Separate green house for different groups like fernery, orchidarium, etc. can be developed.

Dr. M. Sabu

Former head of the Dept.of Botany

Calicut University

Currently working as CSIR-Emeritus Scientist at Malabar Botanical garden & Institute for plant Sciences.

A paradise for botany students as well as nature lovers. Efforts of staff involved to be sustained. Best wishes.

Professor A. S. Reddy

Dept. of Biosciences

Sardar Patel University, V.V.Nagar

I feel very proud and honor to visit such a fantastic fernery developed in such a climatic conditions. The fernery consists many rare and endangered species of ferns which are listed in threatened category of IUCN. I have never seen such a huge collection of Tectaria under a single roof. Best wishes to all staff.

Dr. B. S. Kholia


Botanical Survey of India (BSI), Kolkata

Outstanding repository of plant resources, especially medicinal plants. Herbal resources may be used for making commercial demand of Ayush pharmacies.

Dr. Jagdish Prasad


Gujarat State Medicinal Plants Board


Our Garden Team Members

Prof. Haribhai R. Kataria

Dean, Faculty of Science Maharaja Sayajirao University

Padamnabhi Nagar

Garden Superintendent

Snehal Chavda

Botanical Garden Supervisor

Vasantbhai Ramjibhai Parmar


Natubhai Poonambhai Raval


Bhailalbhai Kanjibhai Rathwa


Karansingh Hirubhai Rathwa


Kamartaha Saiyad

Research Scholar

Tanmay Rohit

Research Scholar

Sangita Gami

Research Scholar

Guljar Malek

Research Scholar

Jaydeep Sharma

Research Scholar

Krishnasingh Rajput

Research Scholar

Roshan Virola

Research Scholar

Departmental Advisory Committee

Prof. Haribhai R. Kataria

Dean, Faculty of Science Maharaja Sayajirao University

Prof. N.S.R. Krishnayya

Head, Dept. Botany

Prof. Sandhya Kiran Garge

Ex-Head, Dept. Botany

Prof. Vinay. M. Raole

Prof. Aruna Joshi

Prof. Sunil Singh

Dr. Kishore Rajput

Dr. Dharmendra Shah

Mr. Sanket Charola


Contact Us


Botanical Garden, Maharaja Sayajirao University, Sayajigunj, Vadodara, Gujarat 390020

Open Hours:

08:00 AM - 05:00 PM


+91 63515 56991 - Tanmay Rohit

+91 70160 39065 - Snehal Chavda